I'm Speaking at NJ Audubon's Spring Festival
The Real James Bond & the Bahama Parrot

My Article for Bird Watching: Birds of 007

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In advance of my talk this Saturday at the virtual Cape May Spring Festival, I am re-posting one of my favorite posts each day this week.

Earlier this year, Great Britain's Bird Watching magazine ran a beautiful six-page spread of mBird Waching Magazine Covery article, "The Birds of 007."

It's packed with fascinating info for 007 fans and bird-lovers alike.

My original post about the article is here.

You can download the article here: 

Download James Bond article Bird Watching magazine (1)

Tomorrow: The Bahama (Abaco) Parrot.
Wednesday: The Bahama Nuthatch.
Thursday: Collecting the books of the real James Bond.
Friday: When Aussie birders embraced Bond
Saturday: James Bond's backyard bird list?
You can read more about the festival and my talk (about "The Real James Bond") here.


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