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The Real James Bond & the Bay of Pigs Part II

The Real James Bond & the Bay of Pigs

Bay of Pigs DSCN9883-002 (1)
When the real James Bond visited Cuba with his wife Mary just before the ill-fated Bay of Pigs invasion, they scoffed at Fidel Castro's plans to build a resort town there.

Turns out Castro was right. Playa Larga offers a beautiful beach right on the bay, above. (You can read more in my book, The Real James Bond.)

In November 2016, when I traveled to Cuba with the Caribbean Conservation Trust as part of my research for The Real James Bond, we visited the Bay of Pigs. One thing there reminded me of the real James Bond, and two things reminded me of his secret-agent namesake.

Can you guess which is which, and why?

(I'll be talking about these photos and more during my free Zoom talk for Bergen County Camera on Saturday, Aug. 8. You can learn more here.


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