Save the Date: Linnaean Society Talk
Can You I.D. These Book Feathers?

In Praise of Potoos


A friend alerted me to a really cool blog by Stephen Bolwell called "Take a Picture -- Save the Planet."

I happened upon a post about Potoos (here) and remembered how much in awe I was whenever I saw them on trips to Belize with the Stiles Thomas Adventure Tours. 

I took the photo above in Belize a decade ago. Time flies.

Of course, I had to wonder if James Bond wrote about Potoos in his legendary guidebooks.  Duh!

I'd like to think that if spies were birds, they'd be Potoos...

Below: Bond's description of Potoos in the 1936 edition of Birds of the West Indies.

Potoo Screen Shot 2021-01-05 at 9.02.38 PM


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