Straight Talk on How 007 Got His Name
Happy Birthday, Orlando Garrido!

Fleming, Bond, Butterflies & Fish

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I recently discovered another similarity between ornithologist James Bond and his fictional namesake, 007.

They both posed as marine biologists.Octopussy dust jacket Chopping

You can read all about it -- and much more -- on the Artistic License Renewed website ( 

The website, a must for all Ian Fleming fans, has posted my article about 007 dust-jacket illustrator Richard Chipping and the dust jackets for Octopussy and the Living Daylights.

I love everything about it -- from all the illustrations they used for the article to the title: "Richard Chopping and the Butterfly Effect."

It turns out that two other Octopussy and the Living Daylights covers have an ornithologist/spy connection as well.

You can read it here.

Footnote: Although I mention octopus tentacles in my article -- as Fleming did in his short story -- I am told on good authority that octopuses don't have tentacles. They have arms. Duly noted.






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