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August 2024

Listen to My NPR Interview

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On Tuesday evening, my Screech Owl Companion co-author Scott Weston were guests on "Bird Calls," an NPR program out of Shreveport. Host Cliff Shackelford, Scott, and I could see one another on Zoom while we chatted.

Above is a shot I grabbed with my iPhone while we were waiting for Scott to log in. That's Kiara Lafitte of the great "Bird Calls" tech team in the foreground on the left, me on the right, and Cliff -- a real screech owl aficionado and inventor of the Owl Shack nestbox -- below with the earphones.

I discuss The Real James Bond toward the end of the show.

You can  hear the show  by going here:

and then clicking

Screenshot 2024-08-16 at 9.36.30 AM

The segment with Scott and me starts at 6:30... If you look across the top, you can see where you can slide the tab and fast-forward through the opening (which is about birds mating for life -- or not -- and Orange Crowned Warblers:

Screenshot 2024-08-16 at 9.41.16 AM