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Happy 125th Birthday, James Bond

JB's bitrhplace today
Happy birthday to noted ornithologist and identity-theft victim James Bond, who was born on this day 125  years ago today.

Bond was born at 1821 Pine Street, a four-story brick building that's still standing. It is now apartments.

Here's a bit more background, from my book:Screen Shot 2023-01-04 at 11.19.14 AM

Unlike a certain spy of the same name, went by “Jimmy” or “Jim” his entire life. 

The Twentieth Century would be known as the American Century, shaped by two cataclysmic wars and incredible technological advances -- from automobiles and airplanes to high-powered computers and a ubiquitous Internet -- and Bond would live through nine decades of it.

  The Bond family fortune was enormous, but for the youngster, it was ultimately far less significant than its location, Philadelphia, a city long known as the cradle of American ornithology. 

Thanks to such pioneer ornithologists as author-illustrator Alexander Wilson, the legendary John James Audubon, author John Cassin, and Academy of Natural Sciences founding member Thomas Say, Bond grew up in an environment where birds and natural history were revered.

 Jim Bond was born into a long line of U.S. Bonds that dates from as early as the 1600s.  His ancestors are said to include Thomas and Phineas Bond, who were among the founders of the American Philosophical Society, the University of Pennsylvania, and Pennsylvania Hospital.